Our evaporated coconut products boast these characteristics and much more. Produced using our proprietary technologies, the quality, consistency and taste of our evaporated coconut ingredients are unmatched. Available in both organic and conventional, our coconut water powder, coconut milk/cream powder, and evaporated coconut nectar are the perfect addition to endless formulations or as a single-ingredient product.


We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.

Our farmers are an essential part of our team and it is a priority to us to ensure that they are treated as such. The government coconut board enforces a minimum price per pound of coconut to be paid to the farmers.
Also, farmers reference a standard world coconut price based out of the Netherlands. Covico pays double the minimum price to ensure guaranteed supply chains for our specific harvest requirements, and as a result, mutually rewarding trade is in place.
Fair Trade

Socioeconomic Development
Our social impact on the communities that we have a presence in constantly grows through increased coconut production. Our social development program "Covico Cares" creates sports and music programs for local schools and students.
Covico's belief is that teamwork is generated through social activities like sport and music. We have developed soccer fields, provide balls and soccer goals, and buy musical instruments for the schools.
With the trust and friendship of the schools where the children of the farming communities attend, we are able to not only assist to provide educational tools for new generations, but also build solid relationships that will last a lifetime.
Preparing the Next Generation
Approximately 50% of the children in the villages where we operate are from families of the coconut industry. Our customers and their consumers are assured that their purchase of our coconut products positively affect the lives of thousands of children who are the future generation of coconut producers.
Covico is focused on ensuring that future generations can prosper and comfortably live again with better wages instead of being forced to sell at low prices fixed by corporate plantations. By creating high-quality coconut ingredients, we have increased the ability of the farmers to sustain their family heritage and happily share in the worldwide growth of the coconut industry.